Psychiatric Medicine Associates Psychiatric Medicine Associates
What if I need to cancel my appointment?

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

Please call the office at 206-386-3103 as soon as you need to cancel. We do require at least 24 hours (one full business day) notice for all cancelations. (For example, Friday at 10 am is the cancellation deadline for a Monday at 10 am appointment). This gives us time to attempt to reach someone else on the waiting list. There is a $125 charge for appointment no shows or late cancelations.

Please note: Our doctors do not double book appointments; they reserve time exclusively for your appointment. If you cancel an appointment after the deadline, or if you “no show” for the initial appointment, it is our policy not to reschedule you for a future intake slot. If you arrive too late for the physician to conduct an adequate interview, your appointment will be cancelled.


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